Monday, February 13, 2006

February 10th 2006

The day i was born. The day i was put on this dreadful planet. The day which is celebrated every year. A celebration for what?..taht im getting closer to the finish line or celebrating the things achieved so far... well i dont think its the later. so it should be the former..ya makes sense.......... you celebrate your birthday feeling happy that you be free an year earlier...and the celebration is grand.. rather was grand so far... always had friends adn loved ones on this day of doom.
A birthday celebrated by 12 people drunk on pure divine scotch...eating blesssed biryani..and then end up puking it.. people celebrated my birthday that day counting the stars..and verifying the count... crying their hearts out for their loved ones... sleeping..banging head on the floor..shouting at silent people to be silent... and laughing their guts was an amazing birthday. The next one was celebrated in a five star hotel witha huge cake..champaigne..and most of my was a grand celebration of the life left. The next one was nice and sweet, friends arranging a cake in the dark..loved ones giving gifts...was nice... and i guess that was it..
24.. i have turned canada.. a place where im alone... only wishes i got was on phone.. a birthday celebrated all alone with beer.. celebrating the year gained in life to achieve the goal of freedom... well this year i felt closer to that independance than ever. contemplated the things i did so far..achievements... well that ended soon.. then started the things i regret the most...hmmmm that went for a while..then things i am supposed to do... hmmm that did it.. dippression set in...looked one to find.. i was born again.. but this time into emptiness...and so i misery.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Unknown has tagged me:

1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again

Heres my part of the deal:

Target: Female
1. Should cook well
2. Should look good(im an ass man)
3. Should be docile( i mean softspoken)
4. Should like my cooking
5. Should have the patience to bear with me and patience in general.
6. Should be active, any sport would be a welcome quality
7. Should know telugu or atleast make an effort to learn it..(ill learn her
8. Should be social , should like my frens and family and viceversa.( i shall do the same for her side as well).
9. *only for mandak guys* Should be female version of shankar.

These are all hypothetical. The facts are very gruelsome in nature. Any resemblence or unresemblence to any person living or dead or about to kill is regretted and unintentional. These are all acts of fiction and hoping someday be true.